
Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Little Help For My Friends...

You've probably heard by now that Google Friend Connect is scheduled to become unavailable to nonBlogger blogs on March 1st of this year.  If you blog on a blog platform other than Blogger, this means you.  I wanted to provide other ways for you to connect here in the future.  It seems that's the best way we BLOGGER bloggers can be of help to you.


I've recently added some "connect tools" to my sidebar and footer.

In the sidebar, you'll see that I've added Networked Blogs. [UPDATE:  Now, also Linky Followers!]

In addition, you can now subscribe by e-mail, or through RSS feed.  You'll find these connection points in the sidebar of my blog as well.

I hope these new tools will prove helpful.  I don't want to lose any friends!!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

If you don't know what I'm talking about (and you KNOW who you are!) -- no worries.  Just keep on keeping on.

Most of all,
remember that I'm glad you're here...
each and every one of you.

UPDATE:  I've also taken the plunge, and signed up for Google+ recently.  I'll be the first one to tell you that as a blogger, I do not necessarily understand all of the ramifications of this loss of Google Friend Connect.  However, if Google+ will allow me to grow my blog by making it more convenient for people to hook up here, then I'm for it.  Soooo... it's a lazy Saturday around here, and I've just figured out how to add the Google+ button to my sidebar.  See it over there?  If you're one of those wanna-be-connected type people... go ahead & click.  You'll see my familiar header artwork, and know you've landed in the right spot.

For the time being, I don't spend any time over there other than to link to my posts.

1 comment:

  1. The only word I understood in that post was "Blogger" I think I'm okay. LOL!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally